Michael Parsons
Vice Chair & Practice Leader, DALS • Canada
Michael Parsons
Vice Chair & Practice Leader, DALS • Canada
Michael is the practice leader of the Dispute Analysis & Litigation Support (DALS) Practice for Cushman & Wakefield in Canada, based in Toronto. Michael has prepared appraisals, technical reviews and provided consulting on a wide array of real estate and related matters on behalf of legal counsel, developers, investors, private and public entities, financial institutions and government agencies. Cushman & Wakefield’s DALS Practice combines due diligence, finance and real estate expertise in providing comprehensive support in dispute and litigation matters involving commercial real estate. Michael has been qualified as an expert witness and testified in numerous arbitration matters and court proceedings.
Michael is an Accredited Appraiser (AACI) with the Appraisal Institute of Canada, a Professional Land Economist (PLE), a member of the Ontario Expropriation Association and a member of the Urban Land Institute. Michael received an MBA from the University of Toronto’s Rotman School of Management, a Diploma in Urban Land Economics (DULE) from the University of British Columbia’s Sauder School of Business and a Bachelor of Environmental Studies, Honours Urban and Regional Planning from the University of Waterloo School of Planning.
Michael has held a number of committee position with the Appraisal Institute of Canada and has delivered professional development on the subject of real estate valuation in expropriation.