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APAC Office Revisited APAC Office Revisited

Asia Pacific Office of the Future Revisited

Our latest insight establishes three realities through the Asia Pacific lens: office space is still in demand, hybrid is here to stay, and the role of the office has changed. We explore the nuances, challenges and opportunities in the region.


The Clock is Ticking on Workplace Change in Asia Pacific

Cushman & Wakefield recently released “Office of the Future Revisited” in which a global view of how the demand for and use of office space is changing. Within the report, three realities were presented:

  1. Demand for office space is accelerating;
  2. Hybrid is here to stay; and
  3. The role of the office has changed.

While all three of these realities are true for the Asia Pacific region, as a geographically large and culturally diverse region, we see nuance in how these realities manifest between markets.

  • Asia Pacific continues to lead the world in office demand
  • The region is, however, lagging somewhat when considering the shift to hybrid working
  • Greater change management needs to be delivered as pressure builds from a growing, younger workforce
  • With the nuances and differences between markets, solutions and approaches will need to vary across the region
  • Corporate employers should begin testing and piloting now to meet the needs of their current and future workforce

We also look at how three organisations have already begun to develop hybrid work models, knowing that there is no universal solution to the hybrid workplace of the future.


Jin So
Jin So

Research Manager
Seoul, Korea, Republic of

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