최신 보고서

Data Center Seoul Market Update

데이터센터 시장 보고서

2024년 상반기 수도권 데이터센터 시장은 개발 가능 토지의 부족과 지역 사회 반대 등으로 인허가 및 착공이 지연되며 어려움을 겪었다. 
Chloe Kwon • 27/09/2024
Warehouse Internal Rack
MarketBeat • Supply Chain

서울 물류 마켓 리포트

2023년 하반기 수도권 물류센터 거래 규모는 전년 동기 대비 32% 감소한 1.7조 원을 기록하며, 2020년 상반기 이후 처음으로 반기별 거래 규모가 2조 원 미만으로 하락했다. 
Hena Park • 28/08/2024

Research • Investment / Capital Markets

Logistics Tenant Profile # 17 인천 – 글로벌 풀필먼트 HUB

Carter Kim • 29/07/2024

MarketBeat • Investment / Capital Markets

서울 투자 시장 보고서

Hena Park • 22/07/2024

모두 보기

시장 보고서

Data Center Seoul Market Update

데이터센터 시장 보고서

2024년 상반기 수도권 데이터센터 시장은 개발 가능 토지의 부족과 지역 사회 반대 등으로 인허가 및 착공이 지연되며 어려움을 겪었다. 
Chloe Kwon • 27/09/2024
Warehouse Internal Rack
MarketBeat • Supply Chain

서울 물류 마켓 리포트

2023년 하반기 수도권 물류센터 거래 규모는 전년 동기 대비 32% 감소한 1.7조 원을 기록하며, 2020년 상반기 이후 처음으로 반기별 거래 규모가 2조 원 미만으로 하락했다. 
Hena Park • 28/08/2024

MarketBeat • Investment / Capital Markets

서울 투자 시장 보고서

Hena Park • 22/07/2024

모두 보기


Above the clouds (image)
Podcast • Economy

Cushman & Wakefield: Behind the Numbers

Our experts cut through the noise to provide you concise commentary on only the most important economic and sector-specific commercial real estate data points.
Research • Economy

Precincts: A blueprint for creating places with purpose

The shape of the built environment plays an outsized role in the sustainable growth of our cities, and everyone has a vested interest. After all, our economic and social development is tied to having functional places to work, live and play, and the resulting ecosystems become larger than the sum of their parts.  
Christina Hobbes • 27/08/2024

Research • Economy

APAC Capital Markets Midyear Outlook

Dominic Brown • 30/07/2024

Research • Economy

APAC Macro Outlook

Dominic Brown • 30/07/2024

Research • Economy

European Macro Outlook

Sukhdeep Dhillon • 06/06/2024

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산업 & 물류

logistics and industrial warehouse

European Logistics Update

Explore the latest H1 2024 trends in the European logistics real estate market with Cushman & Wakefield's comprehensive update.
Sally Bruer • 05/09/2024
C&W Logistics Tenant Profile_Incheon_cardimage
Research • Investment / Capital Markets

Logistics Tenant Profile # 17 인천 – 글로벌 풀필먼트 HUB

인천은 국내 대표적인 수출입 무역기지인 인천항과 인천공항이 위치하고 서울과 인접해있어 수도권 라스트마일 거점일 뿐 아니라 글로벌 물류 허브도시로 주목받고 있습니다.
Carter Kim • 29/07/2024

Insights • Sustainability / ESG

Inclusive Cities Barometer


Insights • Investment / Capital Markets

Logistics Tenant Profile # 14 경기 광주 – 도심 물류 고지전

Carter Kim • 25/03/2024

모두 보기


Data Center Seoul Market Update

데이터센터 시장 보고서

2024년 상반기 수도권 데이터센터 시장은 개발 가능 토지의 부족과 지역 사회 반대 등으로 인허가 및 착공이 지연되며 어려움을 겪었다. 
Chloe Kwon • 27/09/2024
2024 Global Data Center Market Comparison Report

2024 Global Data Center Market Comparison

Explore a unique way to assess and score 92 global primary and emerging data center markets utilizing 14 criteria.
Jacob Albers • 26/03/2024

모두 보기


Turn Around the Table Podcast
Podcast • Workplace

The Team Around the Table Podcast

There's a better way to outsource corporate real estate—and it starts with choosing the right team.

European Office Update

Access exclusive insights into leasing activity, prime office rents, and the evolving workspace landscape.
Nigel Almond • 27/08/2024


Kuala Lumpur MarketBeat Reports


Research • Investment / Capital Markets

마곡 시장 인사이트

Jin So • 03/07/2024

Research • Technology

AI in the design and build world

Glyn Evans • 25/06/2024

모두 보기



European Retail Radar

Get a detailed overview of the retail real estate industry across Europe, backed by thorough research conducted on transactions in 13 European countries and 231 cities.
Sally Bruer • 20/09/2024
European Food Halls
Research • Food & Beverage

European Food Halls

Discover the resilience of food halls and the fresh prospects they bring to the Food & Beverage real estate landscape.
Jennifer Milne • 02/07/2024

모두 보기


Turn Around the Table Podcast
Podcast • Workplace

The Team Around the Table Podcast

There's a better way to outsource corporate real estate—and it starts with choosing the right team.
2021 Global Data Center Market Comparison
Podcast • Workplace

Portfolio Lease Administration: Data & Insight into Action

Global Head of Portfolio Lease Administration, Phillip Kelloff, explores the critical role of data management in handling expansive real estate portfolios. 
Phillip Kelloff • 09/07/2024

모두 보기


Research • Sustainability / ESG

Climate Risk Global Cities Outlook

Explore current and future climate risk hazard exposure in 100 global cities and learn real estate strategies to manage these risks.
Solar Panels
Research • Sustainability / ESG

Sustainability How-to Guides

A Practical Sustainability Series
Jessica Francisco • 13/09/2024

Research • Sustainability / ESG

Sustainable Logistics


Insights • Sustainability / ESG

Inclusive Cities Barometer


Podcast • Sustainability / ESG

Implementing Sustainability: Leading Change in CRE

Jessica Francisco • 22/05/2024

Research • Sustainability / ESG

How to Manage Climate Risk

Jessica Francisco • 29/11/2023

Research • Sustainability / ESG

How to Retrofit

Matt Clifford • 18/10/2023

모두 보기

주요 마켓 보고서

APAC Marketbeat

Philippine MarketBeat

Cushman & Wakefield MarketBeat reports analyze quarterly economic and commercial real estate activity including supply, demand and pricing trends at the market and submarket levels.
Claro Cordero Jr. • 02/09/2024
APAC Marketbeat

Japan MarketBeat

Cushman & Wakefield MarketBeat reports analyze quarterly economic and commercial real estate activity including supply, demand and pricing trends at the market and submarket levels.
APAC Marketbeat

한국 부동산 시장 보고서

쿠시먼앤드웨이크필드  마켓빗 보고서는 시장에서의 공급, 수요 가격 추세를 포함하여 분기 경제 상업 부동산 활동을 분석합니다.

Jamie Bang • 22/08/2024
APAC Marketbeat

Singapore MarketBeat

Cushman & Wakefield MarketBeat reports analyze quarterly economic and commercial real estate activity including supply, demand and pricing trends at the market and submarket levels.
Xian Yang Wong • 24/07/2024
China MarketBeats

Cushman & Wakefield's China MarketBeat reports analyze quarterly commercial real estate activity including supply, demand and pricing trends.

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