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Above the clouds (image)
Podcast • Economy

Cushman & Wakefield: Behind the Numbers

Our experts cut through the noise to provide you concise commentary on only the most important economic and sector-specific commercial real estate data points.
Research • Sustainability / ESG

Climate Risk Global Cities Outlook

Explore current and future climate risk hazard exposure in 100 global cities and learn real estate strategies to manage these risks.


European Retail Radar

Sally Bruer • 9/20/2024

Podcast • Investment / Capital Markets

Standard Chartered: Transforming a Global Real Estate Portfolio


Research • Sustainability / ESG

Sustainability How-to Guides

Jessica Francisco • 9/13/2024

Podcast • Workplace

The Team Around the Table Podcast


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What to watch 2022 (image)
Research • Economy

What to Watch 2022: 10 Indicators for Occupiers & Investors

Here are 10 key areas we believe are worth watching closely as occupiers and investors consider their evolving real estate strategies.
Kevin Thorpe • 1/21/2022
Global Office Outlook (image)
Research • Economy

Global Office Impact Study & Recovery Timing Report

An analysis of COVID-19’s impact on the office sector: forecasts and outcomes.
Kevin Thorpe • 9/22/2020

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Nashville Skyline

Nashville Lodging Market Update

This article discusses each of the major contributors to the market's ability to absorb new supply and examines new supply over the near- to mid-term horizon.
Tom Rowley • 9/23/2024
CAN Innsight Q2 2024 Webcard.png

​​InnSights Quarterly Q2 2024 Hospitality Report​

We highlight the key dynamics of the Canadian hospitality sector, along with a glance at the hotel cap rates across Canadian markets.
Brian Flood • 9/11/2024

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Industrial & Logistics

Industrial work (image)

Long Island Industrial Construction Report

Get Cushman & Wakefield's Summer 2024 Long Island Construction Industrial overview. ​
Dimitri Mastrogiannis • 9/24/2024
Sustainable Logistics
Research • Sustainability / ESG

Sustainable Logistics

The logistics sector stands at the crossroads of significant transformation, driven by the pressing need for sustainability improvement.
Sally Bruer • 9/20/2024

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senior living and care investor survey and trends report sept 2024 Web Card.jpg
Research • Valuation

​​Investor Survey and Trends Report: U.S. Senior Living & Care​

More than 90 U.S. Seniors Housing & Care industry leaders responded to Cushman & Wakefield’s latest investor survey.
Zach Bowyer • 9/25/2024
City Sunset
Research • Investment / Capital Markets

Fed Pivots: The Next Chapter for CRE

The Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) voted to lower the federal funds rate by 50 basis points (bps) to a target range of 4.75% to 5%. Learn what this means for CRE and what green shoots we’re already observing in the market.
Kevin Thorpe • 9/18/2024

Podcast • Investment / Capital Markets

Standard Chartered: Transforming a Global Real Estate Portfolio


Research • Valuation

Seniors Housing Operating Performance

Sean McCrorie • 9/13/2024

Research • Investment / Capital Markets

Australian CRE Glide Path Report


Research • Valuation

U.S. Self Storage: Market Trends & Outlook

Tim Garey • 9/11/2024

Article • Investment / Capital Markets

Market Matters: Exploring Real Estate Investment Conditions & Trends


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globe outlook investment
MarketBeat • Economy

Global MarketBeats

Access our global interactive map - a portal to the latest stats and insights for all property types around the world.
South America City

South America MarketBeat

Cushman & Wakefield's MarketBeat reports analyze economic and commercial real estate activity for the semester, including supply, demand and pricing trends at market and sub-market levels.
Rosario Meneses • 9/23/2024

View all MarketBeats



European Retail Radar

Get a detailed overview of the retail real estate industry across Europe, backed by thorough research conducted on transactions in 13 European countries and 231 cities.
Sally Bruer • 9/20/2024
Resurgent Retail_CrdImage.png

Resurgent Retail

India, the world’s fastest-growing economy, is set to reach USD 5 trillion by 2027, becoming the third largest globally. This growth will bring numerous opportunities, especially in consumption-driven sectors like retail.

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Data Centers

2024 Global Data Center Market Comparison Report

2024 Global Data Center Market Comparison

Explore a unique way to assess and score 92 global primary and emerging data center markets utilizing 14 criteria.
Jacob Albers • 3/26/2024
China Data Centers Report 2024
Research • Investment / Capital Markets

Data Centers In Greater China — Three Points To Process In 2024

The Greater China data center market has continued to evolve since we published our last thematic paper on this market in 2022. As investors, developers and operators continue to involve themselves in the data center market in the region, there are many themes, topics, and issues to consider. This report looks at three key points: the market, government policy, and asset management.
Shaun Brodie • 2/29/2024

Sustainability & Wellness

Research • Sustainability / ESG

Elevating Birmingham's Urban Inclusivity

Here at Cushman & Wakefield, we have been evaluating the inclusiveness of 44 cities across EMEA including Birmingham through analysis of 110 detailed metrics. These range across economic, social, spatial and environmental dimensions.
Jon Leedham • 9/26/2024
Research • Sustainability / ESG

Climate Risk Global Cities Outlook

Explore current and future climate risk hazard exposure in 100 global cities and learn real estate strategies to manage these risks.

Research • Sustainability / ESG

Sustainable Logistics

Sally Bruer • 9/20/2024

Research • Sustainability / ESG

Sustainability How-to Guides

Jessica Francisco • 9/13/2024

Research • Sustainability / ESG

Sustainable Logistics


Insights • Sustainability / ESG

Inclusive Cities Barometer Apac


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Raios Logisticos
Article • Technology

Cushman & Wakefield launches São Paulo Logistics Radius System

Cushman & Wakefield's new São Paulo Logistics Radius System brings a new analysis perspective, more dynamic and real, updated with the most recent data from the quarterly MarketBeats published by the company, and can be accessed by anyone.

Dennys Andrade • 9/10/2024
Insights • Technology

From Distribution Centres to Data Centres

In this brief blog we look at key themes that are likely to shape the sectors evolution over coming years, and how the inter-play between data centres and the logistics and industrial sector is likely to play out.
David Binks • 9/3/2024

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The Edge Magazine

edge magazine putt to pint
Research • Workplace

From Putt to Pint: Everyone Wins with Competitive Socializing

Competitive socializing concepts have grown 386% since the beginning of 2021—the thirst for experiences is a trend that cannot be ignored.
Barrie Scardina • 3/27/2023
Insights • Workplace

Welcome to the Officeverse

The best part of the officeverse may be its versatility—it has the potential to be the best of both remote work and the physical office—as well as the potential to address several workplace challenges.

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Research • Workplace

Experience per Square Foot Instant Insights

Welcome to our monthly Experience per Square FootTM Insight page. The goal of our Total Workplace Research & Innovation Team is to keep you informed about the latest trends in the dynamic commercial real estate industry. Each month, we will present our own insights and in-depth examination of emerging shifts that can help you make informed real estate decisions.
Turn Around the Table Podcast
Podcast • Workplace

The Team Around the Table Podcast

There's a better way to outsource corporate real estate—and it starts with choosing the right team.

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포브스 선정, 미국 최대 고용주

미국 최고의 다+B4:C7양성 존중 고용주로 선정

Featured MarketBeat Reports

South America City

South America MarketBeat

Cushman & Wakefield's MarketBeat reports analyze economic and commercial real estate activity for the semester, including supply, demand and pricing trends at market and sub-market levels.
Rosario Meneses • 9/23/2024

Office Real Estate MarketBeat in Aix-Marseille Region

The Office Marketbeat Aix-Marseille region analyses the activity of commercial real estate in Lyon region in the office sector, taking into account supply, take-up and transactions across markets and submarkets.
Lucile De Malet • 7/29/2024
U.S. National Multifamily MarketBeat (image)

U.S. Multifamily Reports

Access the latest quarter commercial real estate results for the U.S. multifamily sector. MarketBeat reports analyze quarterly market activity including supply, demand and pricing trends.
Sam Tenenbaum • 7/12/2024
U.S. National Industrial MarketBeat (image)

U.S. Industrial Reports

Access the latest quarter commercial real estate results for the U.S. industrial sector. MarketBeat reports analyze quarterly market activity including supply, demand and pricing trends.
Jason Price • 7/12/2024
Paris Hospitality

Paris Hospitality MarketBeat

The hospitality Marketbeat greater Paris region analyses the activity of commercial real estate in Paris region in the hospitality sector, taking into account supply, take-up and transactions across markets and submarkets.
Joséphine Duforest • 4/9/2024


Data Center Seoul Market Update

데이터센터 시장 보고서

2024년 상반기 수도권 데이터센터 시장은 개발 가능 토지의 부족과 지역 사회 반대 등으로 인허가 및 착공이 지연되며 어려움을 겪었다. 
Chloe Kwon • 9/27/2024
Research • Supply Chain

Is Oversupply an Overstatement? Examining Australia’s Logistics & Industrial Supply Pipeline

Unpack the intriguing intricacies of Australia's logistics and industrial supply pipeline in Q3 2024.
Insights • Investment / Capital Markets

The Rise of Private Capital in the Logistics & Industrial Sector

Explore how private capital is reshaping the Logistics & Industrial sector, focusing on current trends and future investment opportunities globally.
L&I Instant Insight April Mobile Banner.jpg

Industrial & Logistics Infill Market Analysis: Navigating the Opportunities and Challenges

Discover the dynamics of infill versus non-infill precincts in the industrial and logistics sectors. Understand the ongoing trends, opportunities, and challenges for growth in the industry.
Luke Crawford • 4/25/2024
card image
Insights • Sustainability / ESG

Banking on Green Office Buildings in Singapore

Does sustainability pay? We think it does help performance.
Xian Yang Wong • 11/21/2022


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