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미래에셋 자산운용 • 은행 및 금융 서비스
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Data Center Seoul Market Update

데이터센터 시장 보고서

2024년 상반기 수도권 데이터센터 시장은 개발 가능 토지의 부족과 지역 사회 반대 등으로 인허가 및 착공이 지연되며 어려움을 겪었다. 
Chloe Kwon • 27/09/2024
Dusit Central Park.jpg
Insights • Professional Services

5 Most Expensive Office Buildings in Bangkok

Research • Supply Chain

Is Oversupply an Overstatement? Examining Australia’s Logistics & Industrial Supply Pipeline

Unpack the intriguing intricacies of Australia's logistics and industrial supply pipeline in Q3 2024.
Insights • Investment / Capital Markets

The Rise of Private Capital in the Logistics & Industrial Sector

Explore how private capital is reshaping the Logistics & Industrial sector, focusing on current trends and future investment opportunities globally.
L&I Instant Insight April Mobile Banner.jpg

Industrial & Logistics Infill Market Analysis: Navigating the Opportunities and Challenges

Discover the dynamics of infill versus non-infill precincts in the industrial and logistics sectors. Understand the ongoing trends, opportunities, and challenges for growth in the industry.
Luke Crawford • 25/04/2024
Office Fit Out Cost Guide 2024
Insights • Workplace

아시아 태평양 오피스 공사비용 가이드

오피스 구축공사 비용 가이드는 기업의 부동산 결정에 필수적인 도구입니다
Dominic Brown • 19/03/2024
Office Fit Out Cost Guide 2024
Insights • Workplace

Office Fit out Cost Guide

In this guide we provide you with a comprehensive office fit out cost breakdown. Read on to find out more.
Research • Workplace

Australia Office Outlook 2024

Cushman & Wakefield’s Australia Office Outlook provides a forecast of key office metrics, including supply, demand, vacancy, rents and incentives, for the Brisbane, Melbourne, Perth and Sydney CBDs.
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Insights • Sustainability / ESG

Banking on Green Office Buildings in Singapore

Does sustainability pay? We think it does help performance.
Xian Yang Wong • 21/11/2022

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쿠시먼앤드웨이크필드의 전문가들에게 연락주시기 바랍니다.
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