Naše projekty
Offering first class service and maximum satisfaction to tenants
1 The Opportunity
2 The Solution
This project was one of the prime examples of how we set ourselves apart from other real estate companies.
We offer our tenants a broader array of complex services such as Asset Services, lease Transaction Advisory, and Project & Development Services.
Monitor new and exisiting competitors to maintain a market leading position.
Regular “blend, extend and expand” discussions with tenants that preceed the expiration of leases.
Proactive leasing strategy to atract new tenants to the building.
3 The Results
- Additional reception area that offers a greater variety of services
- Upgrade of terrace including new relax areas -Improved standards for tenant’s premises including an upgrade of toillets and kitchenettes
- New fitness facility available for tenants at no extra charge
- New bike room
- Regular events focused on strengthening relationships with tenants
- Special activities to support leasing implemented to attract new tenants
- Regular online communication with tenants
- Wide range of additional services available for tenants (free fitness facilities, food / goods delivery pick up points, Mr. Parkit – parking service)
- Regular retendering of all services to optimize cost - Energy Efficiency plan in place (regular media supply tender process, new LED lighting system implemented)
- BREEAM In Use – certification completed in 2015, ongoing follow-up activities enabled to achive better results in 2020 re-certification (Asset performance / Building Management -VERY GOOD**** / EXCELLENT ***** rating)
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